1.呂宗勳* (2020) “金融與文創攜手的新契機” 文化產業訊息及趨勢分析, 6: 30-33.
2.呂宗勳* (2019) “監理沙盒所面臨的問題刻不容緩” 台灣法學雜誌, 375: 148-149.
3.呂宗勳* (2019) “請丙種墊款金主賣出代持之股票是否構成操縱股價” 台灣法學雜誌, 369: 1-4.
4.呂宗勳* (2019) “金融科技的崛起產生的問題” 台灣法學雜誌, 364: 97-99.
5.呂宗勳*(2018) “投資市場的商業行為保障如何平衡於管理者考量與有效創意發揮的保障?既有憲法、法律等所建構法律體系與規範目的下的衝突與調和” 台灣法學雜誌, 358: 82-84.
6.Tsung-Hsun Lu* (2018) “Can Profit Targets Improve the Profitability of Candlestick Charting”International Journal of Revenue Management, 10:216-226.
7.Tsung-Hsun Lu, Yi-Chi Chen and Jinji Chen (2017) “Can Opening Prices Create Value for Investors in Taiwan?” Advances in Financial Planning & Forecasting, 7: 209-224.【科技部B級】。
8.Tsung-Hsun Lu* and Jun-De Lee (2016) “Is Abnormally Large Volume a Clue?” International Journal of Economics and Finance, 8(9):226-233.
9.Tsung-Hsun Lu* and Yung-Ming Shiu (2016) “Can One-day Candlestick Patterns be Profitable on the 30 Component Stocks of the DJIA? ” Applied Economics, 48:3345-3354.【SSCI】。
10.Tsung-Hsun Lu, Yu-Lieh Huang and Jow-Ran Chang* (2016) “Can Anomalies be Explained by Technical Analysis? Evidence from Candlestick Patterns” Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 7: 65-83.【科技部 B級】。
11.Tsung-Hsun Lu, Yi-Chi Chen* and Yu-Chin Hsu (2015) “Trend Definition or Holding Strategy: What Determines the Profitability of Candlestick Charting? ” Journal of Banking & Finance, 61:172-183.【SSCI;科技部A tier-1級】。
12.Tsung-Hsun Lu* (2014) “The Profitability of Candlestick Charting in the Taiwan Stock Market”Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 26: 65-78.【SSCI;科技部 A tier-2級】。
13.許永明*, 呂宗勳, 林瑞銘 (2014) “保險業風險管理與財務績效之關係” 保險專刊, 30(3): 261-297.
14.Tsung-Hsun Lu* and Jinji Chen (2013) “Candlestick Charting in the European Stock Markets” JASSA-The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance, 2: 20-25.【SSCI; 科技部B級】
15.Tsung-Hsun Lu*, Yung-Ming Shiu, and Tsung-Chi Liu (2012) “Profitable Candlesticks Trading Strategies-The Evidence from a New Perspective” Review of Financial Economics, 21 (2): 63-68.【科技部財務A-級】。
16.Tsung-Hsun Lu* and Yung-Ming Shiu (2012) “Tests for Two-Day Candlestick Patterns in the Emerging Equity Market of Taiwan” Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 48 (supplement 1): 39-55.【SSCI】。
17.Yung-Ming Shiu and Tsung-Hsun Lu* (2011) “Pinpoint and Synergistic Trading Strategies of Candlesticks” International Journal of Economics and Finance, 3 (1): 234-244.
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2018/12/05年扶輪社永東社演講 (主題:金融科技與量化投資)。
2014年扶輪社永東社演講 (主題:兩岸服務貿易協議對台灣的衝擊)。
2009年永達保險經紀公司演講 (主題:ECFA後台灣經濟契機)。
2005年扶輪社新營社演講 (主題:低利率時代的投資策略)。